Monday, March 21, 2011

Hair Colour Chart Number 8


For Matías Longoni

The task of the experts who seek to conduct an analysis of the economic, social, work or social security currently hindered or impeded by the suspicions and manipulations known to weigh on the consumer price index (CPI) prepared and broadcasts the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC). But to this the fact that after the "intervention" policy of Secretary Guillermo Moreno in late 2006, the agency stopped broadcasting a series of statistics. The picture is completed with a host of other statistical information by different State agencies also ceased publication or are outdated .

One sector that suffers the most backward statistic is Social Security. The last sector report which was published by the ANSeS for the fourth quarter of 2008. This is a newsletter that provides, among other figures, the number of social security recipients, number of contributors, the payments of the former provincial funds and implementation of the housing body.

Some of these data were also being published in the Statistical Bulletin Social Security, prepared by the respective Secretariat under the Ministry of Labour. But it happens that the most recent publication is the first quarter of 2010. Are data with a delay of one year.

also broadcast a delayed several labor data, as the number of beneficiaries of unemployment benefits or employment plans.

INDEC On the side, and left to develop the national CPI, the agency eliminated its work the report on price changes by income quintiles. This information allowed to measure the impact of inflation among different social strata.

also scrapped the spread of t he average price of a list of fifty foods and beverages served as reference values \u200b\u200bsurveyed by pollsters. And another set of statistics was under suspicion for forgery price index, the evolution of GDP, the value of the basket, poverty and indigence or real exchange rate. Furthermore, these indicators are divergent conclusions emerge as the official inflation rate discount or measurements of the Provincial Institutes.

In turn, the disaggregated numbers from the Permanent Household Survey (EPH) are only available until the second quarter of 2010. This delay prevents the evaluation of recent developments in other variables such as job quality.

concealment of information by way of failure to update the reports also extends to the Ministry of Economy: the last Bulletin Published is the second fiscal quarter of 2010. They often have important data, such as changes in the number of employees in the national government. It is also outdated, reaches up to 2008 - information on the "consolidated public expenditure, which gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhow public resources are spent in the whole nation, provinces and municipalities.

This situation encouraged the "privatization" of statistics, since before the official disrepute, many private consultants-on weighing injunctions and fines, were launched to fill these gaps. But they do a partial or incomplete because they do not have the sources of information Government does have, or do not have all the structures to address these tasks.

Clarín, 21/03/1911


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