Thursday, March 24, 2011

Plans For A Shop Table


West Nevada Joe (also known as Gunmen in Golden Hill)
Spain v Italy
Director : Ignacio F. Iquino
Cast: George Martin, Adriana Ambès, Katia Loritz, Giuseppe Addobbati, Stan Bart, Miguel de la Riva, Gaspar 'Indio' González, Rud Fray, César Ojinaga, Juan Manuel Simon Lizarza Eduardo, Tomas Sancho, Joao Corroto, Angel Lombarte, José Manuel Pinilla, Antonio Iranzo, Moises Rocha
Screenplay: Alberto Colucci, Ignacio F. Iquino
Photography: Giuseppe La Torre, Julio Perez Roças
Music: Enrique Sotes

English-Italian co-production of 1964 which marked the first of four westerns whose direction is attributed to Ignacio Ferrés Iquino (the study actually produced eleven appears to be tightly controlled both the scripts and direction of most of his films).

Iquino was what is called a man of film (director, producer, screenwriter, editor, director photography and to cast him) that in the early fifties tried to import to Spain system of the major American studios, which had controlled since the implementation of the films to be exhibited at the cinemas of your property, but with a much smaller budget. So going to build your own studio in the Parallel Barcelona (place of leisure and entertainment par excellence since the nineteenth century until well into the seventies in the last century) and staff will soon have more or less fixed in all areas (directors, screenwriters, actors, cameraman, musicians, etc), and immediately create a recording studio (Parlo Films) and because of distribution problems that had mainly "The Judas" (1952), crear su propia distribuidora (IFISA), emporio que se completó con las Direcciones Musicales IFI dirigidas por el maestro Enrique Escobar, hombre de confianza de Iquino. Además al carecer de salas de cine de su propiedad, aunque llegó a alquilar alguna, su política de producción estuvo dirigida a aquellos géneros que gozaban de popularidad en cada momento entre los espectadores y a las posibles ayudas y subvenciones que pudieran recibir sus películas. Sin embargo, a medida que se fue desarrollando su emporio, sus inquietudes artísticas (dirigió películas notables como “El tambor de Bruch” (1948), “Brigada criminal” (1950) and the aforementioned "The Judas" ) gave way to increasingly commercial products to become the time of transition in one of the main representatives of movies rated S ( "Emmanuelle and Carol" (1978), "The hot girl Juliet (1981) or " sexual orientation naked " (1982) are clear examples).

SYNOPSIS: Joe Dexter, a notorious gunslinger known as Nevada Joe, Golden Hill arrives in a mining town. There will find that the shipments of gold from the mines is monopolized by John Randolph, who is opposed only Julia Brooks, owner of a mining concession, with which Dexter intimacy and support in his showdown with Randolph.

bland and boring movie that follows the canons of classic western (start presenting to the owner of a saloon with problems that will try to hire a gunfighter who falls slightly forwards "Johnny Guitar ") and features a script written by himself and two colleagues Iquino, disjointed and incoherent, giving the impression that the typical scenes were conceived and written independently to later try to join them with a certain sense. In addition to sentences with a dubious message like: "Women are made to stay home to care for children and not to fight."

As the address is hasty and poorly cared for in proliferation rather sloppy scenes like the fight to maintain Nevada Joe and Mary Randolph with two henchmen in the women's quarters, which seems rather a sequence of a soap opera.

Moreover, the lack of economic resources has a negative effect in the setting of the film, especially in the interior, it appears like a tiny saloon that is quite penniless and rolling a small sequence that will become the house brand: a musician (in fact the master Enrique Escobar) playing piano. It is also quite cumbersome as the location he had acquired the villa in Castelldefels which shot several scenes of the movie trying to pass as a ranch and become another feature of his westerns (even appear in films shot by other manufacturers such as If I am not misled, the recently reviewed "Tomb for an outlaw" , film distributed by IFIS).

As for the soundtrack composed by Enrique Escobar, despite having a minimally acceptable topic, I think it is the same height as the rest of the movie and it was used without any dramatic purpose whatsoever. As a curious comment that some verses of the main theme were also borrowed for the soundtrack of the film by José Luis Madrid mentioned above.

Regarding the actors should be noted that they have to carry stereotyped characters are barely developed. Front the cast is George Martin (Martínez Francisco Celeiro) in, at the same time, his first leading role and his debut in this subgenre. Nevada plays Joe, a typical classical hero is devoted to mismatch wrongs while star in a love triangle sort of falling in love with him as Mary, the owner of the saloon, like Julia, the owner of the mining concession. Katia Loritz (German actress of great popularity in Spain in the late fifties and early sixties, having starred in the films "Girls of the Red Cross," "The day of love" or the wonderful and hilarious "Robbery the three ") gives life to Mary the owner of the saloon to be in love with our hero. Italy's Adriana Ambesi, which would see later in "The Magnificent Seven" and "As hungry wolves" , plays the rebellious Julia. As negative characters we encounter the ineffable Miguel de la Riva in the role of John Randolph and Giuseppe Addobati as the corrupt Burton. All of them do not know if the lack of a good director of actors or the poorly shaped characters are really bad.

other eurowestern In short made with a meager budget that adds nothing to the subgenus, in addition to cost a lot to see to the end.

Finally tell you that the information I have obtained Iquino basically the doctoral thesis, directed by Ramón Gubern, Angel Comas wrote about him.





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