Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How To Make Letters In Circles


By Abel Posse (*)

The country of Ubu Roi, but without laughing or smiling. A cloud of irrationality spreads. For trivial reasons, a few paralyzed trains can not use miles. Students may not study in the Pellegrini because a group was not fancy and some teachers object for ideological reasons. The chief of security-humanist late-submitted by gendarmes with empty holsters. A judge finds that the sexual abuse of two girls is bailable, because these girls are humble and live in a medium used to such things. Federal police custody not more public buildings of the city. The Capital is for the Government another country, a nasty neighbor. Suffer damage as thousands of locals (and tourists). Everything is treated in a democracy no guts, no teeth, no pride. It is as if one were to accept a constitution upside down. Where there is "a right" to cut off circulation in the streets, escrachar, occupy schools, lukewarm support unpunished crime, adult offenders or murderers, child (no child-murderers.)

The criminal act of kidnapping the entire edition of a newspaper, the oldest, is justified by the union cause as "a union issue and not as a violation of press freedom." Behind a phrase of such perverse ingenuity is a general air that infects us: the hindrance of ideology that were rotting without revolution or democracy. In this country of plump bourgeois revolutionaries are preferred as many virtual nostalgia. It is the country of the bourgeoisie union Rolex, BMW and even private jets. Spent decades of "social work" (Peron never wanted to give them) and the unions will not leave his laborious cultural semi-literacy class and a gesture of black jacket and faded to convince him that neither his relatives believe, that are not in the unspeakable wealth game.

actually illegal predominant the current contraconstitución serve to cover the basic drama of our society, that is corruption.

If the Court does not cry, who's going to call for legal and moral aberrations afflicting the people of Argentina? The statements of politicians are necessary, but they taste as harmless. The legal reason is the backbone of all social order, is anemic. Even the most senior judges are fighting for the law, such as claiming von Ihering, who all studied at the faculty as a paradigm of moral law.

We have become a country full of hate and threat. The world situation, so good, is beyond us. Argentina grew and is able to take in the coming decades a place of economic strength and development, as in the best decades of last century.

But we are paralyzed with quiet resignation. We

and country ridiculous. It is fashionable in any diplomatic forum, while waiting, telling stories of Argentina. The President making friendly faces when you're late to the photo of leaders, the chancellor, pliers in hand, checking the bag the officer of the mission that brought an agreed technical assistance: the good open bar Chavez, in a suburban stadium, reciting the Catechism of the world that was lost, which no longer exists. Rants a good couple of hours. There he learned that China and Russia have already left and that in Cuba throw thousands of public employees. Had this to say of Borges in relation to a known charlatan friend: "One is gone and Galician still talking ..."

Our quest barbarity or Dionysian festival shames us before the world and humiliate us in our helplessness. We are a country in an advanced state of spiritual decay. We must recreate a true democracy with national revival power, do not confuse freedom with permissiveness, nor protest intimidation and murder of minority rights.

* Writer and diplomat.

politicaydesarrollo.com.ar, 25/04/2011


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